Team: T16-03

Name: UniCa$h

User Target Profile: Our application is for university students who want to be more financially conscious about their spending habits, enabling them to make wiser economic decisions, providing students on a limited budget with more purchasing power.

Value Proposition: It provides university students with an intuitive and frictionless experience to have transparency on their expenditure to help them better understand their expenditure so they can develop better financial habits as they transition into adulthood.

Getting Started

Setting up

If you are interested in testing out UniCa$h, you can refer to our quick start in the user guide.

If you are interested in developing for UniCa$h, you can find the setup steps below:

Ensure that the project is set up locally:

  1. Create a fork of the GitHub repository
  2. Clone the fork of the repository

     git clone<your Github username>/tp.git
  3. Change to the fork local directory

     cd tp/
  4. Build the project

     ./gradlew build
  5. Run the project

     ./gradlew run
The Gradle instructions provided are for MacOS and Linux users. If you are using Windows, please refer to the official documentation on using the Gradle Wrapper (i.e. ./gradlew) on Windows.

Then, to contribute to the project, we recommend the following flow:

  1. Setup the original repository as the upstream remote

     git remote add upstream
  2. Create a feature/fix/improvement local branch

     git fetch upstream master
     git merge upstream/master
     git checkout -b <branch name>
  3. Make the necessary changes
  4. Create a Pull Request to the original repository


This project is based on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative.

The UniCa$h App icon is an open source icon named “wallet”, available for personal and commercial uses, sourced from here.

UniCa$h uses the Inter font throughout, licensed under the Open Font License and available for personal and commercial uses, sourced from here.


Term Meaning
Transaction Represents both an expense or an income. Expenses cause a net loss while incomes cause a net gain
Expenditure Total amount for transactions labelled as “expense”
Budget Observable metric on expenditure, tracking daily/weekly/monthly (only one) expense relative to preset budget amount

Feature Tracking

Every user can…

  • Track and manage their expenses
  • Manage a budget
  • View their total expenditure by the month/year
  • Visualise their spending habits

Development Milestones

Features were developed over two sprints, each sprint lasting two weeks.

Milestone v1.2

Track Finances

  • Add transaction
  • Delete transaction
  • Clear all transaction
  • Edit transaction
  • Find transaction(s)
  • Get total expenditure

Categorize Finances

This feature serves as an extension to adding a transaction as categories provide finer details about a transaction.

Using the edit_transaction command, users can now:

  • Add categories
  • Edit existing categories
  • Remove existing categories


  • Support file storage of transactions
  • Remove all dependencies to original AB3
  • Clean up package structure
  • Configure Gradle + Github Actions for UI testing and coverage reporting

Milestone v1.3

  • Support multi-format date time strings
  • Expand search functionality of find command
  • Add year support when retrieving total expenditure
  • Summary visualizations for expenses
  • UI improvements
  • Support file storage of budget

Milestone v1.4

The bulk of this milestone was improving the documentation, ensuring clarity for readers. Such changes include:

  • Adding detailed documentation about argument and prefix constraints
  • Provide documentation on logic, model, and storage components

Design Overview


The architecture for UniCa$h leverages the existing architecture from AB3 and extends several components like supporting storage of transactions and the budget.

User Interface (UI) Component

UniCa$h is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application, built using JavaFX. The following section describes the implementation of the various UI components in UniCa$h.

UI Components

UniCa$sh consists of the following UI components:

  1. Main Window
  2. Help Window
  3. Statistics / Budget Window

In this section, we will be going through the implementation of the main window.

Main Window Design

The main window consists of three components: the command input box, as well as two panes, the transaction list pane and the command results pane.

For the command input box, we have a custom CommandBox class that extends TextField to provide the user with the ability to type their commands into the application.

For the transaction list pane, we have a custom TransactionListPanel class that is a ListView to provide the user with a scrollable list of transactions. This view is updated whenever the user executes commands that modify the transaction list. (i.e. add, delete, edit, clear). This ListView is displayed in a reverse scrolling manner so that the user’s most recent transactions will be added to the top of the TransactionListPanel, right below the CommandBox, so that the user will have immediate feedback after adding a transaction via text input into the CommandBox.

For the command results pane, we have a custom ResultDisplay class. This pane displays the results of the user’s command execution. This view is updated whenever the user executes commands that modify the transaction. Error messages are also displayed here, such as when the user enters an invalid command.

Main Window Implementation

The main window for UniCa$h is implemented using the MainWindow class. This class is made up of:

  1. CommandBox: The command input box
  2. TransactionListPanel: The transaction list pane
  3. ResultDisplay: The command results pane

All these components, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class which provides the basic functionality of a UI component, such as the ability to set the root node of the component.

The UI component uses the JavaFx UI framework to render the UI components. The layout of these parts are defined in the matching .fxml files that are located in src/main/resources/view folder. (e.g. The layout of the TransactionCard is specified inTransactionCard.fxml)

The UI component is also responsible for:

  • executing commands using the Logic component, through the executeCommand method
  • listening for changes to the Model component, through the listenToModelChanges method

UI Layout

UniCa$h is designed with users who prefer to use the keyboard in mind. Thus, almost all user input is designed for CLI-type usage, i.e. text-based keyboard input, and User Interface elements are intended to either supplement this main functionality, or provide graphical support for features.

When UniCa$h is first opened, by default, the UniCa$h welcome message will be displayed in the Results Display. This message can also be invoked with the help command which will be explained in the User Guide. Below are the main User Interface (UI) components and features we have implemented in UniCa$h.


The commands and inputs used for the purposes of demonstrating certain UI features are explained fully in the User Guide Where applicable, consider those explanations as the single source of authority for those commands, as the representation here is merely for UI demonstration purposes only.

UniCa$h Main Window

  • The Main Window in UniCa$h is resizeable, but has a minimum size enforced of 850 x 620
  • The Menu bar contains the File and Help menus, of which Help can be opened with the F1 keyboard shortcut, which is also default to the original AB-3.
On macOS, using UniCa$h in fullscreen will sometimes cause the Summary Window and Help Window to also open in fullscreen, however this is an expected behaviour caused by macOS’s window management style, and cannot be overridden, but does not cause any functional issues. Simply exit fullscreen mode to continue using UniCa$h as per normal.

UniCa$h Help Window

  • The Help Window can be opened with the F1 keyboard shortcut, which is also default to the original AB-3.
  • It can also be invoked with the help command, and doing so will populate the Results Display with the default UniCa$h Welcome Message.
  • Clicking on the Copy URL button will copy the URL to the clipboard.


Command Box

  • The Command Box is the primary means by which the user interacts actively with the application.
  • The user types specific inputs into the Command Box and presses ENTER after typing to “communicate” with UniCa$h.
  • Given that our application is targeted for users who prefer CLI-type text input interaction, the Command Box is configured such that it can remember up to 10 latest user inputs.
    • When a user presses ENTER on any input, the input is stored regardless of its validity.
    • These inputs can be traversed through with the UP and DOWN arrow keys on the keyboard.
    • Only the 10 most recent inputs are stored by the Command Box
  • At any point in time, the user can press the ESC to empty the current text field in the Command Box
The mouse cursor being too close to the menu can occasionally trigger the JavaFX built-in cursor control functionality that allows arrows keys to be used for navigating the menu bar. If it happens, simply move your mouse cursor away from the menu bar and click on the Command Box to continue.

Transactions List

  • Each transaction stored in UniCa$h is displayed in the Transactions List.
  • The entire Transactions List will be displayed by default upon start-up.
  • Certain commands like find might limit the Transactions List to a particular configuration which can be reversed with the list command to show the full list.
  • Transactions added will immediately appear at the top of the Transactions List, and this is to provide immediate response to the user as they will be able to see their most recently input transaction right away.
The most recent transactions appear at the top of the Transactions List as the Transactions List is ordered by the time at which the user inputs the transaction, not the actual date and time associated with that particular transaction.

Transaction Card

  • The Transactions List contains individual Transaction Cards, each corresponding to a single Transaction and they look like this:

  • Transaction Index (or ID/Number): All terms used synonymously to refer to the number shown on the left partition of the blue box.
    • Transactions are not inherently indexed, the index values refer to the position of the Transaction on the Transactions List
    • Thus, index values are not static - depending on the configuration of currently displayed Transactions List, this number might change.
  • Transaction Name: The name of the given transaction, shown on the right partition of the blue box.
  • Transaction Date & Time: The date & time assigned to the transaction, shown inside the pink box.
  • Transaction Location: The location assigned to the transaction, shown inside the red box.
  • Transaction Categories: The category/categories assigned to the transaction, shown inside the yellow box. This can be empty if the transaction has no categories assigned to it.
  • Transaction Amount: The expense or income assigned to the transaction, shown inside the black box.
    • Given that 0.00 is a valid amount, its display colour and magnitude sign will depend on the type of transaction only.
Certain properties above (such as name, location, categories and amount) are allowed values that exceed the UI’s capacity to display them fully.

This effect is accounted for as we do not wish to limit the user to arbitrary lengths. Thus, the get command is available to retrieve the full, expanded details of these transactions and display them in the Results Display component.

Results Display

  • The Results Display is the primary means by which UniCa$h “responds” back to the user via text output.
  • The Results Display can be scrolled if the text output displayed is too long.

Data Source Indicator

  • The Data Source Indicator shows the location of the current UniCa$h storage file.

Rolling Balance Indicator

  • The Rolling Balance Indicator shows the net sum (i.e. total income - total expense) for the currently displayed Transactions List.
  • For example, if the input find n/friends was used to find transactions whose names contain the keyword friends, the Transactions List would be updated to only show matching transactions and likewise the Rolling Balance Indicator would reflect the net sum for these group of transactions only.
  • As UniCa$h starts up with the full Transactions List by default, the Rolling Balance Indicator would likewise show the net sum of all transactions in UniCa$h at start-up.
Unlike the color of the amount of a transaction in the Transactions List, the color of the Rolling Balance Indicator will change based on whether the net sum is positive (green) or negative (red) or zero (black).

Logic Component


Here’s a (partial) class diagram of the Logic component:

The sequence diagram below illustrates the interactions within the Logic component, taking execute("delete 1") API call as an example.

Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `delete 1` Command

Note: The lifeline for DeleteTransactionCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

How the Logic component works:

  1. When Logic is called upon to execute a command, it is passed to an UniCashParser object which in turn creates a parser that matches the command if necessary (e.g., AddTransactionCommandParser) and uses it to parse the command.
    1. Note that not all commands would create an additional parser such as GetBudgetCommand, ClearBudgetCommand, etc.
  2. This results in a Command object (more precisely, an object of one of its subclasses e.g., AddTransactionCommand) which is executed by the LogicManager.
  3. The command can communicate with the Model when it is executed (e.g. to delete a person).
  4. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is returned back from Logic.

Here are the other classes in Logic (omitted from the class diagram above) that are used for parsing a user command:

How the parsing works:

  • When called upon to parse a user command, the UniCashParser class creates an XYZCommandParser (XYZ is a placeholder for the specific command name e.g., AddTransactionCommandParser) which uses the other classes shown above to parse the user command and create a XYZCommand object (e.g., AddTransactionCommand) which the UniCashParser returns back as a Command object.
  • All XYZCommandParser classes (e.g., AddTransactionCommandParser, DeleteTransactionCommandParser, …) inherit from the Parser interface so that they can be treated similarly where possible e.g, during testing.
  • Note that there is a dependency drawn between UniCashParser and XYZCommand as not all commands require the use of a specialised parser class.

Model Component


The Model component,

  • stores UniCa$h data i.e., all Transaction objects (which are contained in a TransactionList object), the Budget object and Category objects (which are contained in a UniqueCategoryList object).
  • stores the currently ‘selected’ Transaction objects (e.g., results of a search query) as a separate filtered list which is exposed to outsiders as an unmodifiable ObservableList<Transaction> that can be ‘observed’ e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.
    • Refer here for a guide on Javafx bindings.
  • stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences. This is exposed to the outside as a ReadOnlyUserPref objects.
  • does not depend on any of the other three components (as the Model represents data entities of the domain, they should make sense on their own without depending on other components)

Storage Component

UniCa$h stores any persistent data as local JSON files, located in the same folder where the JAR file is run.

The following are the files that are created:

  • config.json
  • preferences.json
  • data/unicash.json

Jackson is used for JSON (de)serialization and it relies on adapted models similar to the Data Transfer Object pattern.

Malformed JSONs

If a JSON file is malformed, the contents will not be loaded and a log message will be printed.

However, no proactive measures are applied to rectify the issue such as automatically deleting the file or fixing the error to avoid prescribing a fixed approach to resolving malformed JSONs.

While we do not make assumptions about the intended action when encountering a malformed JSON file, most JSON files will be overwritten at some point, so the malformed JSON should eventually be overwritten with proper JSON.

For data/unicash.json, this occurs when adding, editing, or deleting the transaction list or updating the budget.

For config.json and preferences.json, this occurs in the MainApp#initConfig and MainApp#initPrefs methods.

Continuous Integration (CI)

Continuous integration consists of the following:

  1. General unit testing
  2. UI testing
  3. Automated testing on Github
  4. Code coverage reporting
Github Actions Primer

Github Actions is used to execute a set of behavior on a repository and is often used for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment.

Github Actions are created as YAML configuration files found in the .github/workflows folder.

GitHub Actions can be generally broken down into the following components:
1. Trigger: dictates when the action is run
2. Strategy & matrix: specifies the platform (OS) and any relevant versions to run the steps
3. Steps: consists of individual steps that can use other Github Actions to perform a set of actions in sequential order

General unit testing

General unit tests cover any non-UI related aspect of UniCa$h such as models, commands, and utility.

JUnit 5, along with custom-built assertion methods like CommandTestUtil#assertCommandSuccess, are used to perform general unit testing.

UI testing

UI testing helps automate some manual testing by simulating user interaction with the UI, ensuring that the UI is responding as intended.

JUnit 5 and TestFX are used to setup and perform UI testing.

To initialize a test class to work with TestFX, annotate it with the following:

public class HelpWindowUiTest {

This leverages JUnit 5’s built-in extensions system to inject an FxRobot argument in each unit test.

FxRobot is used as a driver to perform UI operations on the running UI, such as performing clicks, entering text, and performing keyboard inputs, along with searching for UI elements by fx:id.
public void userInput_help_showHelpWindowAsRoot(FxRobot robot) throws TimeoutException {
    // Search for elements in the UI
    var beforeHelpContainer = robot.lookup("#helpMessageContainer").tryQuery();
    // Perform a mouse click
    // Enter text input
    // Perform a keyboard input;
    var afterHelp = robot.lookup("#helpMessageContainer").tryQuery();

Furthermore, there are two methods of initializing the UI for testing, the first using the @Start annotation and the other uses the @BeforeEach annotation.

Using @Start
Use @Start when testing individual UI components.

When defining a @Start method, a Stage is injected through the test runner and this allows you to initialize a new Stage with custom UI components.

This is especially useful when working with individual UI components like HelpWindow and TransactionCard as it provides a medium to render these elements without running the entire UI.

public void start(Stage stage) {
    // helpWindow is declared outside of the method to be accessed in all unit tests
    helpWindow = new HelpWindow(stage);;
The @Start method is run before each test case.
Using @BeforeEach
Use @BeforeEach when testing the entire UI, i.e. integration testing.

When performing a general set of integration tests across the entire UI (like simulating user input to execution to view the resulting UI changes), it is best to define a @BeforeEach method that uses FxToolkit to setup the application (in this case, MainApp) with any given setup parameters like a default storage location.

When testing the entire application, a temporary storage file should be defined and provided for MainApp to avoid directly modifying the save data on your local machine.
Path tempDir;

public void runAppToTests() throws TimeoutException {
    FxToolkit.setupApplication(() -> new MainApp(tempDir.resolve("ui_data.json")));
The @BeforeEach method is run before each test case.

It is also good convention to include an @AfterEach method to clean up the stages created during @BeforeEach so that all resources are freed after every unit test:

public void stopApp() throws TimeoutException{

Automated testing on Github

Automated testing is achieved via the .github/workflows/unit_test.yml action.

Automated testing is triggered on every push and pull request and is run across all three major OSes: Ubuntu, MacOS, and Windows, and comprise of the following steps:

UI tests are only run on Windows as both Linux and MacOS requires headless UI testing which is not well supported with Github Actions.

Code coverage reporting

Code coverage is generated using Github Actions and Gradle and uploaded to Codecov.

Code coverage includes both general unit tests and UI tests, and reporting is achieved through the .github/workflows/gradle.yml action.

Similar to automated testing, code coverage reporting is triggered on every push and pull request and is run across all three major OSes.

To ensure that code coverage reporting includes both general unit tests and UI tests, the following changes have been made to build.gradle:

  1. A new Gradle task uiTest was created to only run UI tests that are unit test files that end with UiTest
  2. The default test task is configured to exclude such files
  3. The jacocoTestReport task is modified to only depend on (i.e. run before) the uiTest task if the system’s OS is not MacOS, Ubuntu or *nux (i.e. Windows only)
  4. The coverage task includes every *.exec file generated from both uiTest and test so that both coverage reports are available to Codecov

The Github Action for reporting the code coverage only uploads the coverage reports to Codecov if the runner is Windows as only then will there be a complete code coverage report.

These changes work around the limitation of Linux and MacOS runners on Github Actions not supporting a headless environment.

By introducing UI testing into the code coverage reporting, we have been able to achieve a code coverage of > 90%!

User Input Builder

The UserInputBuilder class is a test utility class for the purposes of generating possible user inputs for a given Transaction. With a given Transaction object, it becomes possible to generate a String that represents what a user might have input in order to have stored that Transaction. This allows for the conversion of a Transaction object into an equivalent user-input. Such a conversion would be beneficial for FxRobot which can use Transaction objects’ data directly to emulate user input and enter commands into the Command Box.

Given below is a snippet of the class, including one of its constructors. As you can see, a UserInputBuilder object is created by taking in a Transaction as one of its parameters.

public class UserInputBuilder {

    private final Transaction transaction;
    private String userInput;

    public UserInputBuilder(Transaction transaction) {
        this.transaction = transaction;
        userInput = "";


The code snippet below shows the withAllProperties() method in this class that uses the encapsulated Transaction object to generate a concatenated string of possible user inputs.

public UserInputBuilder withAllProperties() {
        return new UserInputBuilder(transaction)

For each property X, the corresponding addX() method would append the appropriate CLI PREFIX for that property, and the property itself in a manner similar to what a user would have to input.

public UserInputBuilder addName() {
    userInput = userInput + WHITESPACE + PREFIX_NAME + transaction.getName();

    return this;

Not all properties are relevant for every command, therefore each property’s relevant add() method can be used individually to form a user input string instead of using the withAllProperties method.

Optionally, a COMMAND WORD can also be prefixed to the userInput as shown below, taking the CommandType enum itself as the input parameter.

public UserInputBuilder addCommand(CommandType command) {
    userInput = command.getMainCommandWord() + WHITESPACE + userInput;

    return this;

The use for such a utility class is demonstrated below:

public static List<String> getTestTransactionsAsUserInputs() {
    ArrayList<String> userInputList = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Transaction transaction : getTestTransactions()) {
        String userInput = new UserInputBuilder(transaction)


    return userInputList;

The above method belongs to another utility class, in which the getTestTransactions() method returns a Transaction[] array consisting of a variety of test transactions.

        for (String userInput : getTestTransactionsAsUserInputs()) {

The output of the getTransactionsAsUserInputs() method is a List of Strings with each of them corresponding to the user input required to add that particular Transaction into UniCa$h. This list can then be passed to FxRobot to emulate user input for a variety of transactions. A snippet of such procedure is shown above.

Support Classes and Components

StyleSheet Class

The StyleSheet class serves as a centralized information source for visual elements for all UI components requiring some form of graphical representation. Within this class, preset colors are defined as constants, which can then be used by UI elements across UniCa$h. Thus, when these preset colors are modified, all UI elements will have a consistent change across UniCa$h.

In the future, given the extensibility and universality of the StyleSheet class, it is possible to allow the user to be able to choose their own themes for the app. Below is a snippet of constants from the StyleSheet class, used for text colour filling and font styling.

/* Text colour filling */
public static final String TEXT_FILL_RED = "-fx-text-fill: red";
public static final String TEXT_FILL_GREEN = "-fx-text-fill: green";
public static final String TEXT_FILL_BLACK = "-fx-text-fill: black";
public static final String TEXT_FILL_WHITE = "-fx-text-fill: white";

/* Font styling */
public static final String FONT_STYLE_BOLD = "-fx-font-weight: bold";
public static final String FONT_STYLE_REGULAR = "-fx-font-weight: normal";
public static final String FONT_STYLE_ITALIC = "-fx-font-style: italic";

Hash-Based Category Colouring: UniCa$h doesn’t place a restriction on the maximum number of categories available in total, across the app. Thus, colour coding each category was not possible, and a means for ensuring that unique categories (i.e. same case-insensitive name) have unique colours needed to be devised. We found that using a category’s hash code was the most optimal solution and so a method that converts a category’s hash code into a 6-digit hexademical RGB colour code was created. To offset outlier values that resulted in dark colours with poor legibility, a brightness offset function was also written, a modified snippet of that function is shown below.

  int r = Integer.parseInt(...);
  int g = Integer.parseInt(...);
  int b = Integer.parseInt(...);
  int avg = (r + g + b) / 3;
  r = adjustBrightness(r);
  g = adjustBrightness(g);
  b = adjustBrightness(b);

The above function determines the average brightness based on the average values of the red, green, and blue colour values, and an adjustment is made if this average falls below a certain threshold, and the threshold itself can be adjusted to achieve certain colour complexities.

The focus on colour consistency and user experience across UniCa$h is motivated by certain scientific studies that show a positive correlation between colour complexity and user engagement. This study found certain design elements contribute to increased user engagement especially by young adults. The UI components are intended to increase user engagement with UniCa$h amongst our target users, who are mostly young adults. This would consequently lead to improvement in personal financial management. Thus, even though these are not CLI features directly, they nonetheless benefit our target users and support our value proposition indirectly.

Command Usage Message Builder

Uniformly generates MESSAGE_USAGE strings to be used per command. Works well with ExampleGenerator to create consistent examples for every command using each type of prefix. Reduces the overhead of ensuring that all example values are accurate or ensuring that formatting for command usage is uniform.

Relies heavily on the builder design pattern.

Example usage of CommandUsage would be:

private static final MESSAGE_USAGE = new CommandUsage.Builder()
    .setDescription("Sets the user's budget on UniCa$h.")
    .addParameter(PREFIX_AMOUNT, "Amount")
    .addParameter(PREFIX_INTERVAL, "Interval") 

Features & Implementation

UniCa$h comprises four key components:

  1. Transaction Management
  2. Budget Management
  3. General Utility
  4. User Interface

Transaction Management

Transaction Model

UniCa$h tracks transactions with the use of TransactionList and Transaction. TransactionList acts as a wrapper for a list of Transaction that enforces no null. TransactionList does not enforce any equality constraints, thus any forms of duplicated Transaction are allowed to be stored. This was an intentional decision, as we want to allow users to record recurring transactions.

The Transaction class is composed of the following fields

  1. Name: The name of the transaction.
  2. Type: The transaction type of the transaction. UniCash supports expense and income only.
    1. TransactionType: An enum comprising of the values income and expense.
  3. Amount: The monetary value of the transaction.
  4. DateTime: The date and time of the transaction to be recorded.
  5. Location: The location where the transaction took place.
  6. UniqueCategoryList: A list of categories to be tagged with the transaction.
    1. Category: The name of a category tagged to a transaction.

The following are some noteworthy points regarding the attributes

  1. There are 3 compulsory fields, namely Name, Type and Amount. The remaining fields would fall back to a default value if not specified.
  2. There is a character limit for Name and Location set at up to 500 characters.
  3. Amount entered has to be positive for both income and expense.
  4. Amount is automatically rounded to 2 decimal places.
  5. UniqueCategoryList enforces a unique (case-insensitive) constraint on Category it stores.
  6. UniqueCategoryList enforces a max size of 5 Category
  7. There is a character limit for Category set at up to 15 characters/
  8. There is a limit of 100,000 transactions you can add to UniCa$h.
For more details on the constraints of each property of Transaction, refer to the prefix types section in the user guide.

Add Transaction


The add_transaction command adds a new Transaction to the TransactionList in UniCash.

The activity diagram of adding a Transaction is as shown below

The following sequence diagram shows how the different components of UniCash interact with each other

The above sequence diagram omits details on the creation of the attributes of a Transaction such as Name, Type and Amount as it would make the diagram cluttered and difficult to read without adding additional value.

Note: The lifeline for AddTransactionCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.


  1. The user specifies the transaction to be added by stating the name, amount, transaction type as well as any other optional fields.
  2. The input will be parsed by AddCommandTransactionParser, and if it is invalid, ParserException is thrown, prompting for the user to enter again.
  3. If the input is valid, a Transaction object is created and passed into the AddTransactionCommand to be executed by the LogicManager.
  4. The LogicManager will then invoke the execute command, adding the Transaction to UniCash.

Note that only the Category field is allowed to be specified multiple times, while the other fields can only be specified once, else a ParserException is thrown. Another noteworthy point is that Category that are added are to be case-insensitively unique and can only be up to a specified value of 5 in the UniqueCategoryList class. Else, a ParserException would be thrown.

Get Total Expenditure


The get_total_expenditure command returns the total expenditure across a given month among all expense transactions in UniCa$h, with optional filters for a given category and year.

The optional year value defaults to the current year if not provided.

The activity diagram of getting the total expenditure is as shown below

The following sequence diagram shows how the different components of UniCash interact with each other

The above sequence diagram omits details on the creation of the arguments of a GetTotalExpenditureCommand such as Category as it would make the diagram cluttered and difficult to read without adding additional value. It also omits the specific predicate behavior of provided to perform the filtering.

The lifeline for GetTotalExpenditureCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.


  1. The user specifies the month to retrieve the total expenditure and the optional category
  2. The input will be parsed by GetTotalExpenditureCommandParser, and if it is invalid, ParserException is thrown, prompting for the user to enter again
  3. If the input is valid, a GetTotalExpenditureCommand object is created to be executed by the LogicManager, since no year is provided, the current year is inferred
  4. The LogicManager will then invoke the execute method of the command, filtering the existing transaction list to only include expense type transactions that fall in the given month and category (if any)
  5. The GetTotalExpenditureCommand also calculates the total expenditure from this filtered list of transactions
Key constraints:

The month to search is one-indexed, so it ranges from [1, 12]
The year has to be >= 1920
The category is a single filter that is matched in a case-insensitive manner

Delete Transaction


The delete_transaction command deletes an existing Transaction from the TransactionList in UniCa$h.

The activity diagram of deleting a Transaction is as shown below

The following sequence diagram shows the interaction between different components of UniCash.

The above sequence diagram omits details on the filtering of TransactionList and assumes that the displayed TransactionList is showing all transactions. However, the logic of the DeleteCommand remains the same for all list deletion.

Note: The lifeline for DeleteTransactionCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.


  1. The user specifies the transaction to be deleted by stating the appropriate index of the transaction to be deleted.
  2. The input will be parsed by DeleteTransactionCommandParser and if the provided index is invalid, ParseException will be thrown, and the user is prompted to enter the command again with the valid index.
  3. If the input is valid, an Index object is created with the given input index, and passed into DeleteTransactionCommand to be executed by LogicManager
  4. LogicManger will invoke the execute method of DeleteTransactionCommand which will delete the Transaction from UniCa$h.
You can refer to the INDEX constraints in command breakdown’s Argument Types section in the User Guide. You can also refer to the UI Layout’s Transaction Card section to learn about the transaction index values that can change based on the current Transactions List configuration.

Edit Transaction


The edit_transaction command edits an existing Transaction from the TransactionList in UniCa$h.

The following sequence diagram shows how the different components of UniCa$h interact with each other. It is further explained in the Details section below.

Note: The lifeline for EditTransactionCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.


  1. The user specifies the transaction to be edited by first stating the (one-based) index of the transaction they want to edit. This is followed by listing the fields and updated values that they would like to edit. (E.g. edit_transaction 1 n/Food Clique c/food)
  2. The user input with the requested edits will be parsed by EditCommandTransactionParser, and if it is invalid, ParserException is thrown, prompting for the user to enter again. It is important to note that at this point, a valid index is any integer that is 1 or greater.
  3. If the input is valid, the EditCommandTransactionParser creates an EditTransactionDescriptor object, which contains the edits which the user wishes to make to the transaction.
  4. An EditTransactionCommand is constructed with the one-based index of the transaction to edit and the EditTransactionDescriptor object. This EditTransactionCommand is then returned by the EditCommandTransactionParser
  5. The LogicManager will then invoke the execute command of the EditTransactionCommand, editing the Transaction in UniCa$h.
  6. The EditTransactionCommand#execute method then first checks if the one-based index is too large (i.e. if there are only n transactions, but the index provided is greater than n). If this is true, then a CommandException is thrown, prompting the user to input an index that is at most, the number of transactions available. If the CommandException is not thrown at the step above, then the execution proceeds.
  7. The EditTransactionCommand#execute method then calls the createEditedTransaction method, which creates a new Transaction object with the updated values after editing. Note that this Transaction object is a different object from what is stored in UniCa$h.
  8. The EditTransactionCommand#execute method then updates UniCa$h with the new Transaction using the Model#setTransaction method.
Although all fields can be edited, the Name, Amount, and Type fields cannot be left blank. The constraints laid out in the Add Transaction section above also remain.

Clear Transactions


The clear_transactions command deletes all existing Transactions from TransactionList in UniCash.

The activity diagram of clearing all transactions is as shown below

The following sequence diagram shows the interaction between different components of UniCa$h.


  1. The user inputs the command to clear all transactions
  2. The input will be parsed by ClearTransactionsCommandParser and if the provided input is invalid (i.e. trailing arguments) ParseException will be thrown, and the user is prompted to enter the command again with the correct input.
  3. If the input is valid, a ClearTransactionsCommand object is created to be executed by LogicManager
  4. LogicManager will invoke the execute method of ClearTransactionsCommand which will invoke the Model object to be set with a new UniCash object, which would contain an empty TransactionList.

Here, it must be noted that unlike DeleteTransactionCommand, individual transactions in the TransactionList are not deleted singularly. As opposed to iteratively deleting each transaction in the TransactionList, the more efficient way to achieve the same effect would be to simply set the Model contained in LogicManager to a new UniCash object, as the newly created UniCash object would now have an empty TransactionList encapsulated within. This emulates the deletion of all transactions in the TransactionList.

Get Transaction


The get command retrives an existing Transaction from TransactionList in UniCa$h.

The activity diagram of retrieving a Transaction is as shown below

The following sequence diagram shows the interaction between different components of UniCa$h.

The above sequence diagram omits details on the filtering of TransactionList and assumes that the displayed TransactionList is showing all transactions. However, the logic of the GetCommand remains the same for all transaction retrieval.

Note: The lifeline for GetCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.


  1. The user specifies the transaction to be retrieved by stating the appropriate index of the transaction.
  2. The input will be parsed by GetCommandParser and if the provided input is invalid, ParseException will be thrown, and the user is prompted to enter the command again with the correct input.
  3. If the input is valid, an Index object is created with the given input integer, and passed into GetCommand to be executed by LogicManager
  4. LogicManger will invoke the execute method of GetCommand which will retrieve the Transaction from UniCa$h.
You can refer to the INDEX constraints in command breakdown’s Argument Types section in the User Guide. You can also refer to the UI Layout’s Transaction Card section to learn about the transaction index values that can change based on the current Transactions List configuration.

Reset UniCa$h


The reset_unicash command overwrites the TransactionListwith the default UniCa$h Transactions.

The activity diagram of resetting UniCa$h is as shown below

The following sequence diagram shows the interaction between different components of UniCa$h.

Note: The lifeline for ResetCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.


  1. The user inputs the command to reset UniCa$h.
  2. The input will be parsed by ResetCommandParser and if the provided input is invalid (i.e. trailing arguments) ParseException will be thrown, and the user is prompted to enter the command again with the correct input.
  3. If the input is valid, a ResetCommand object is created to be executed by LogicManager
  4. LogicManager will invoke the execute method of ResetCommand which will invoke the Model object to be set with a sample UniCash object which would contain a TransactionList populated with sample Transaction data.
It must be noted here that resetting UniCa$h to its original state refers to overwriting the internal Transactions List with the original transactions only, and does not refer to clearing any contained budgets

Find Transactions


The find command searches UniCa$h for Transactions that match the input search parameters.

The activity diagram of finding transactions in UniCa$h is as shown below

The following sequence diagram shows the interaction between different components of UniCa$h during the sequence of processing and execution of the find command

Note: The lifeline for FindCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.


  1. The user inputs the command to search for transactions with specified parameters
  2. The input will be parsed by FindCommandParser and if the provided input is invalid, ParseException will be thrown, and the user is prompted to enter the command again with the correct input.
    • You can refer to the User Guide for the input constraints for the find command here.
  3. If the input is valid, a FindCommand object containing a Predicate<Transaction> is created by FindCommandParser to be executed by LogicManager
  4. LogicManager will invoke the execute method of FindCommand which will invoke the Model property to update its filtered transactions list according to the predicate contained inside FindCommand.


  • Every transaction property that can be searched with the find command contains an associated property predicate._
  • For the find command, these predicates are “composed” by the TransactionContainsAllKeywordsPredicate class.
  • This class simulates a composed predicate that represents a short-circuiting logical AND of all property predicates.
    • Encapsulated within the class is a list of transaction predicates.
    • The overriding test method returns true only if the input Transaction matches all predicates in this list, and a snippet of it is shown below.
      public boolean test(Transaction transaction) {
       if (predicateList.isEmpty()) {
           return false;
               .allMatch(predicate -> predicate.test(transaction));
  • In summary, the FindCommandParser is responsible for parsing the user input and “converting” each input into the associated property predicate, and then creating the FindCommand object itself with the above-mentioned composed predicate class.

Budget Management

For this team project, we have opted to simplify the budgeting feature by limiting the user to a single budget at a time that can be configured for different intervals and amounts.

Budget Model

The budget is stored in data/unicash.json, much like the transactions. Refer to the storage component for more details.

UniCa$h tracks a user’s budget with the use of Budget.

The Budget class is composed of the following fields

  1. Amount: The amount allocated to the budget.
  2. Interval: The budget interval of the transaction.
    1. BudgetInterval: An enum consisting of the values day, week and month.

The following are some noteworthy points regarding the attributes

  1. Amount here follows the same constraints as the one mentioned in the Transaction’s Amount class.
For more details on the constraints of each property of Budget, refer to the prefix types section in the user guide.
The prefix types section in the user guide contains a brief about how intervals are handled.

Expenses that fall within the interval are included and the total expense is computed relative to the budget.
1. Daily: expenses that occur within the same day of year (i.e. the expenses that occur on day x are included if today is day x, expenses on day x +/- 1 are not included)
2. Weekly: expenses that occur within the same week of year. This is dependent on the current year, for more information refer to the documentation here.
3. Monthly: expenses that occur within the same month (i.e. the expenses that occur in September are included if today falls under September)

Set Budget


The set_budget command sets a user defined budget globally across UniCa$h.

The activity diagram of getting the total expenditure is as shown below

The following sequence diagram shows how the different components of UniCash interact with each other

The above sequence diagram omits details on the creation of the arguments of a SetBudgetCommand such as Amount and Interval as it would make the diagram cluttered and difficult to read without adding additional value.

It also omits the file saving aspect of this, where the updated budget is saved to the data/unicash.json file.

The lifeline for SetBudgetCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.


  1. The user specifies amount and interval that the budget will operate on
  2. The input will be parsed by SetBudgetCommandParser, and if it is invalid, ParserException is thrown, prompting for the user to enter again
  3. If the input is valid, a SetBudgetCommand object is created to be executed by the LogicManager
  4. The LogicManager will then invoke the execute method of the command, setting the budget in the ModelManager

Clear Budget


The clear_budget command removes the globally set UniCa$h budget. If no budget is present, the user is prompted to set one using set_budget instead.

clear_budget will not parse any additional argument or parameters. Even if additional argument or parameters are given, any existing budget will be cleared regardless, without any additional effects.

The following sequence diagram shows how the different components of UniCash interact with each other

This sequence diagram omits the file saving aspect of the command, where data/unicash.json is updated to now hold a null budget value.


  1. The user runs the clear budget command
  2. The command will be parsed by UniCashParser and a ClearBudgetCommand object is created and executed by the LogicManager
  3. The LogicManager will then invoke the execute method of the command
  4. The command will check if UniCa$h currently contains an existing budget, if it does not, a “no budget” message is returned, otherwise, the existing budget is cleared and a success message is returned instead

Get Budget


The get_budget command computes the total expenditure relative to the existing budget within the given interval. If no budget is present, the user is prompted to set one using set_budget instead.

Intervals work by filtering by the specified time period:

  • For day intervals, only transactions of the same day are found
  • For week intervals, only transactions of the same week of year are found
  • For month intervals, only transactions of the same month are found
get_budget will not parse any additional argument or parameters. Even if additional argument or parameters are given, no additional effects will be triggered.

The following sequence diagram shows how the different components of UniCash interact with each other

The above sequence diagram omits details such as internal method calls to GetBudgetCommand#getIntervalFilter and GetBudgetCommand#getIntervalString to reduce clutter.


  1. The user runs the get budget command
  2. The command will be parsed by UniCashParser and a GetBudgetCommand object is created and executed by the LogicManager
  3. The LogicManager will then invoke the execute method of the command
  4. The command will check if UniCa$h currently contains an existing budget, if it does not, a “no budget” message is returned, otherwise, the budget remainder will be calculated
  5. If the remainder amount is negative (< 0.00), then a negative amount message will be returned
  6. Otherwise, a non-negative message will be returned
The only difference between the negative and non-negative messages is that the negative message places the - symbol before the $ so -$xx.xx whereas the non-negative message does not contain the - symbol

Summary Statistics


The summary command creates a pop-up summary window that contains summary plots to provide some basic analytics about the user’s expense data.

The activity diagram of the summary command is given below:

Let’s first go over the sequence of events that occur within the Ui component first to understand the code that performs the activities shown in the activity diagram above. The sequence diagram below documents this:

The sequence diagram above abstracts away low-level details like getting the expense data from LogicManager and updating the SummaryWindow with the expense data. More information is provided under the “Details” section below.


  1. The user runs the “summary” command
  2. The command is parsed by the Logic component, which is explained in another sequence diagram below, and returns a CommandResult object.
  3. MainWindow updates the ResultDisplay object with the CommandResult#getFeedbackToUser method.
  4. In the “get expense data” step in the sequence diagram, MainWindow gets the updated expense summary per category and per year-month from the Logic component using the Logic#getExpenseSummaryPerCategory and Logic#getExpenseSummaryPerYearMonth methods.
  5. In the “update with expense data” step in the sequence diagram, MainWindow calls Logic#setPieChart and Logic#setLineChart on the result to update the pie chart and line chart data (stored within SummaryWindow).
  6. If the commandResult object’s showSummary attribute is true, then it indicates that the summary window should open. Subsequently, MainWindow performs a self-invocation by calling its own handleSummary method. Otherwise, the execution ends.
  7. Under the handleSummary method:
    1. MainWindow checks to see if SummaryWindow is already opened by calling SummaryWindow#isShowing. If this is false, then SummaryWindow#focus is called.
    2. Otherwise, Logic#getExpenseSummaryPerCategory is called to retrieve the expense summary per category formatted in a HashMap<String, Double>. The result is passed as an argument when calling the SummaryWindow#show method.
    3. Within the SummaryWindow#show method, a check is first performed to determine if the expense summary is empty. If this is true, then the summary window does not open. Otherwise, the summary window is opened.
Steps 1 to 5 will be called every time a new command is entered. This allows the pie chart and line chart to be updated automatically every time the user makes commands that may modify the list of transactions.

Next, we delve deeper into the Logic component, specifically when MainWindow executed the LogicManager.execute("summary") line of code. The sequence diagram for this portion is given below.

Similar to all other commands, the raw user input String “summary” is parsed by UniCashParser to create a SummaryCommand object, which is returned to LogicManager. LogicManager then calls the execute method of the newly-created SummaryCommand object. At this point, the SummaryCommand object first checks if there are any expenses available by calling Model#hasExpense. It then instantiates a CommandResult object to be returned to MainWindow.

The arguments provided to the CommandResult constructor depends on whether Model#hasExpense evaluates to true. In particular, the feedbackToUser and showSummary parameters of the CommandResult constructor differ. If there are no expenses available, the feedbackToUser string will contain a message to tell users that they have no expenses to summarize. This allows us to display different messages to ResultDisplay according to whether there are expenses available or not. Also, the showSummary parameter will be set to false, preventing the MainWindow#handleSummary method from running, as explained in the prior sequence diagram.

General Utility



The help command can be used in 2 different ways.

  1. help with no arguments.
  2. help COMMAND_WORD with 1 argument containing a command word.


  1. help

Opens a Help Window with a link to our User Guide and displays a help message on the right panel containing a list of all our commands.

  1. help add_transaction

A help message specific to the command word on the right panel. The message will contain information on that command and provide instructions on how to run that command.



This command will exit UniCa$h.


Appendix: Requirements

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. The application should be cross-platform functional on major operating systems, i.e. Windows, MacOS, Linux, running at least Java 11
  2. All transactions and budget managed by the user should be saved and backed up locally and restored the next session as long as the data has not been corrupted
  3. The user guide should be clear and straightforward so that the user can perform all major tasks intuitively
  4. All non-private methods should be well-documented to ensure that the codebase is maintainable
  5. The application should have an intuitive interface with easy navigation commands and clear instructions/errors
  6. The application achieves at least 85% in test coverage with comprehensive unit and integration tests
  7. The user should not experience excessive sluggishness while using the application
  8. The application should serve the latest updates of transactions the moment these updates are confirmed
  9. The application should not require an active Internet connection to function
  10. The application should be able to generate visualisations for 1000 expenses without any excessive sluggishness

User Stories

Priorities for user stories are marked as follows:
High (must have) - * * *
Medium (nice to have) - * *
Low (unlikely to have) - *
Priority As a …​ I want to …​ So that I can…​
* * * tech-savvy NUS student add a new transaction track my cash flow
* * * tech-savvy NUS student retrieve a list of all my transactions with all transaction details check if I have forgotten to log some transactions
* * * tech-savvy NUS student get a transaction locate details of a transaction without having to go through the entire list
* * * tech-savvy NUS student delete transactions remove transactions I no longer need
* * * tech-savvy NUS student edit transactions that have been created rectify incorrect inputs in my transactions
* * * tech-savvy NUS student view my total expenditure see at a glance how much I have spent in total without having to manually tabulate
* * * tech-savvy NUS student find transaction(s) by name, location and/or category locate specific transactions and its associated details without having to go through the entire list
* * * tech-savvy NUS student view my total expenditure by month/year and filter by category check my expenditure in specific areas without having to manually tabulate
* * * tech-savvy NUS student clear all my transactions start afresh with no transaction history
* * tech-savvy NUS student set a daily/weekly/monthly budget spend within my limits
* * tech-savvy NUS student check the budget that I set the spending limit I set for myself
* * tech-savvy NUS student check my remaining budget see at a glance if I am spending within limits
* * tech-savvy NUS student clear my current budget start afresh with no budget set
* * tech-savvy NUS student view a graphical summary of my transactions see my cash flow at a glance
* * tech-savvy NUS student input different DateTime formats in my transactions use the application with ease
* * tech-savvy NUS student use command keyword abbreviations use the application efficiently
* * * tech-savvy NUS student see usage instructions refer to instructions when I forget how to the App
* * tech-savvy NUS student see usage instructions for a command refer to instructions when I forget how to the command
* * * tech-savvy NUS student reset the application restore it to the original state
* * * tech-savvy NUS student exit the application close the application
* tech-savvy NUS student import my transaction data from a spreadsheet to the app input all my historical expenses without having to manually input them one at a time
* tech-savvy NUS student export my transaction data to a spreadsheet backup my transaction data
* tech-savvy NUS student fix a ratio to be set aside from my excess funds every month still have a portion of my savings even when I make big purchases
* tech-savvy NUS student add transactions that are due on a recurring basis include recurring expenditures without having to manually input them every time they occur
* tech-savvy NUS student receive autofill recommendations based on my historical inputs save time typing the full command and reduce the chance of making a mistake

Use Cases

The following documents use cases for our application

For the following Use Cases (unless specified otherwise):

  • The System is UniCa$h
  • The Actor is User

Use Case: UC01 - Adding a Transaction


  1. User enters the command to add a transaction.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h adds the transaction to the transactions list and displays success message.

    Use Case ends


  • 2a. User enters an incorrect format
    • 2a1. UniCa$h displays an error message with the correct command format.
    • Use case resumes at step 1.
  • 2b. User enters an extremely high number
    • 2b1. UniCa$h prompts the user with a warning of the input
    • 2b2. User confirms the request
    • Use case resumes at step 3.

Use Case: UC02 - Delete a transaction


  1. User enters the command to delete a transaction.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h finds the transaction based on the passed in arguments.
  4. UniCa$h deletes the transaction.
  5. UniCa$h displays success message.

    Use Case ends


  • 2a. User enters an incorrect format.
    • 2a1. UniCa$h displays an error message with the correct command format.
    • Use case resumes at step 1.

Use Case: UC03 - Editing a Transaction


  1. User enters the command to edit an existing transaction’s fields.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h makes the edits specified in the command and displays all the fields of that transaction.

    Use Case ends.


  • 2a. User provides a field in an incorrect format. (e.g. amount is not expressed as a float, name is empty, unrecognized datetime format, etc.)
    • 2a1. UniCa$h displays an error message that requests for correct format.
    • Use case resumes at step 1.
  • 2b. User requests to edit a transaction that does not exist
    • 2b1. UniCa$h displays an error message informing the user that the transaction cannot be found.
    • Use case resumes at step 1.
  • 2c. User does not specify which field of a transaction to edit
    • 2c1. UniCa$h displays an error message and displays the correct way to format the edit command.
    • Use case resumes at step 1.

Use Case: UC04 - Listing all Transactions


  1. User enters the command to list all transactions.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h retrieves the list of all transactions and displays them for the User.

    Use Case ends.


  • 2a. User enters the command with the incorrect format (i.e. with parameters).
    • 2a1. UniCa$h displays an error message, requests for the correct format.
    • Use case resumes from step 1.
  • 3a. There are no transactions for UniCa$h to retrieve.
    • 3a1. UniCa$h displays no transactions, and informs the user that all transactions have been retrieved.
    • Use Case ends.

Use Case: UC05 - Finding a Transaction


  1. User enters the command to find transactions.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h filters the transactions based on the specified filters and returns the filtered list of expenses with a success message.

    Use Case ends.


  • 2a. User enters an incorrect format.
    • 2a1. UniCa$h displays an error message, requests for correct format.
    • Use case resumes from Step 1.

Use Case: UC05 - Get Total Expenditure


  1. User enters the command to get the total expenditure.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h parses the command, and it is in the right format.
  4. UniCa$h calculates the expenditure based on the parameters passed in.
  5. UniCa$h displays the calculated expenditure.

    Use Case ends.


  • 3a. UniCa$h parses command, and detects that user entered the incorrect format (missing fields)
    • 2a1. UniCa$h displays an error message, requests for command to be re-entered.
    • Use case resumes at step 1

Use Case: UC06 - Clear all transactions


  1. User enters the command to clear all transactions.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h deletes all transactions in the transactions list.
  4. UniCa$h displays success message.

    Use Case ends.


  • 2a. User enters an incorrect format.
    • 2a1. UniCa$h displays an error message with the correct command format.
    • Use case resumes at step 1.

Use Case: UC07 - Reset UniCa$h


  1. User enters the command to reset UniCa$h.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h restores all transactions in the transactions list to the default transactions
  4. UniCa$h displays success message.

    Use Case ends.


  • 2a. User enters an incorrect format.
    • 2a1. UniCa$h displays an error message with the correct command format.
    • Use case resumes at step 1.

Use Case: UC08 - Show Summary Statistics


  1. User enters the command to get the summary for their expenses.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h summarizes the user’s saved expenses by month and by category.
  4. UniCa$h displays summary plots for the user to analyze their expenses.

    Use Case ends.


  • 2a. UniCa$h does not contain any of the user’s expenses.
    • 2a1. UniCa$h displays a prompt informing the user that there are no expenses available.
    • Use case ends.

Use Case: UC09 - Show UniCa$h Help


  1. User enters the command to show help.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h opens help window with link to User Guide
  4. UniCa$h displays the default welcome message with overview of commands

    Use Case ends.


  • 2a. User enters an incorrect format.
    • 2a1. UniCa$h displays an error message with the correct command format.
    • Use case resumes at step 1.

Use Case: UC10 - Exit UniCa$h


  1. User enters the command to exit UniCa$h.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h displays exit message and application closes

    Use Case ends.


  • 2a. User enters an incorrect format.
    • 2a1. UniCa$h displays an error message with the correct command format.
    • Use case resumes at step 1.

Use Case: UC11 - Set Budget


  1. User enters the command to set the budget.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h parses the command, and it is in the right format.
  4. UniCa$h sets the global budget.
  5. UniCa$h displays the new budget.

    Use Case ends.


  • 3a. UniCa$h parses command, and detects that user entered the incorrect format (missing fields)
    • 3a1. UniCa$h displays an error message with the correct command format
    • Use case resumes at step 1.
  • 4a. UniCa$h contains existing budget.
    • 4a1. UniCa$h replaces existing budget with new one.
    • Use case resumes at step 5.

Use Case: UC12 - Clear Budget


  1. User enters the command to clear the budget.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h clears the existing budget.
  4. UniCa$h displays a success message.

    Use Case ends.


  • 3a. UniCa$h does not contain an existing budget.
    • 3a1. UniCa$h displays a prompt to create a budget first.
    • Use case ends.

Use Case: UC13 - Get Budget


  1. User enters the command to get the budget.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h tabulates the expenditure relative to the budget set for the given interval.
  4. UniCa$h displays the budget and the net amount of the budget.

    Use Case ends.


  • 3a. UniCa$h does not contain an existing budget.
    • 3a1. UniCa$h displays a prompt to create a budget first.
    • Use case ends.

Use Case: UC14 - Retrieve a transaction


  1. User enters the command to retrieve (i.e. get) a transaction.
  2. User submits the request.
  3. UniCa$h retrieves the transaction based on the passed in arguments.
  4. UniCa$h displays expanded details of that transaction

    Use Case ends.


  • 2a. User enters an incorrect format.
    • 2a1. UniCa$h displays an error message with the correct command format.
    • Use case resumes at step 1.

Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

Initial launch

  1. Download the jar file (unicash.jar) and copy it into an empty folder
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the folder
  3. Run java --version, ensure that you are running on Java 11. If not, download and install Java 11.
  4. Run java -jar unicash.jar
    • Expected output: A GUI window should appear with the title “UniCa$h”, with a set of sample transactions.


1. Adding a transaction

Use add n/Buying groceries type/expense amt/300 dt/18-08-2023 19:30 l/NTUC c/Food

Expected output: Transaction is added and a success message is displayed.

2. Deleting a transaction

Use delete 1

Expected output: Transaction is deleted and a success message is displayed.

3. Editing a transaction

Use edit 1 n/Buying groceries type/expense amt/300 dt/18-08-2023 19:30 l/NTUC c/Food

Expected output: Transaction is edited and a success message is displayed.

4. Listing all transactions

Use list

Expected output: All transactions are displayed.

5. Finding transaction(s)

Use find n/Buying groceries l/NTUC c/Food

Expected output: All transactions that match the specified filters are displayed.

6. Get a transaction

Prerequisite: There is at least 1 transaction stored in UniCa$h.

Use get 1

Expected output: The retrieved transaction is displayed.

7. Clear all transactions

Use clear_transactions

Expected output: All transactions are cleared and a success message is displayed.


1. Get total expenditure

Prerequisite: There is at least 1 transaction of category expense stored in UniCa$h.

Use get_total_expenditure month/10 c/Food year/2006

Expected output: The total expenditure is displayed.


1. Summary statistics

Use summary

Expected output: The summary statistics window pops up and displays the summary statistics.


1. Set your budget

Use set_budget amt/300 interval/day

Expected output: Budget is set and a success message is displayed.

2. Get your budget

Use get_budget

Expected output: Budget is displayed.

3. Clear your budget

Use clear_budget

Expected output: Budget is cleared and a success message is displayed.


1. Reset

Use reset_unicash

Expected output: UniCa$h resets to default state and restores the sample transactions.

2. Help

Use help

Expected output: The help window pops up and displays the link to the User Guide. Message with all commands is displayed on the right panel.

Use help <command word> (e.g. help add_transaction)

Expected output: The help window pops up and displays the usage for the specified command.

3. Exit

Use exit

Expected: UniCa$h closes.

Appendix: Planned Enhancements

Get_Budget Command

  • The current get_budget command does not alter the transaction list when processing the expenses within the interval. This can lead to confusion as users may not be aware of the specific transactions that are being included in the calculation of the budget remainder, and as a result, mistaking the budget calculation as not working.

    We plan to apply a filter to the transaction list, like in get_total_expenditure, when get_budget is run to accurately display the list of transactions that we have included for the calculation to reduce this potential user confusion.

  • The current get_budget’s weekly interval calculation uses the week of year. However, given that this information is not immediately intuitive to users, users may not be aware of how weekly budgets are calculated, leading to confusion.

    We plan to modify get_budget’s weekly interval calculation to use the previous 6 days + today to make the command more intuitive for users.

Find Command

  • The current find command is limited to searching for the name, location, and category of transactions only.

    We plan to add support for searching across all properties, including date & time, amount, and transaction type. This would allow users to have even more precise control over the scope of transactions search.

Auto Clear Transactions List Filter

  • Currently, the find (as mentioned here) and get_total_expenditure (as mentioned here) commands have a persisting filter on the current Transactions List configuration.

    We plan to clear this filter on every command to avoid confusion.

Deletion Confirmation

  • The data deletion commands (delete, clear_transactions, reset_unicash) currently do not have any confirmation required for execution. This means that the user can enter the command and the data deletion will be executed immediately.

    We plan to add and additional step of deletion confirmation as a layer of safety for the user’s data.

Summary Window

  • The current summary window is limited to showing the summary of expenses only.

    We plan to extend this to showing a summary of incomes as well.

Command Box

  • The current CommandBox only maintains user input history for up to 10 previous inputs.

    We plan to support the storing of a larger number of previous user inputs.

*Add Transaction

  • Currently, there is no warning for the input of excessively high incomes or expenses.

    We plan to add a warning message to alert the users when such excessive amounts are added.

Appendix: Potential Features

Every user can…

  • Divide a group spending and tag friends involved in the spending
  • View a price list comparison of all available shops near NUS
  • Set recurring transactions
  • Support more than one global budget to allow users to set budgets for each category or different budgets for day/week/month
  • Support more types of transaction such as transfer
  • Delete transactions in batches (by day, by month, etc)
  • Get suggestions for cheaper alternatives to their purchases based on their purchase history
  • Manage multiple financial accounts within UniCa$h
  • Get intelligent autofill suggestions for frequently input commands
  • Export UniCa$h transactions data into a spreadsheet
  • Import transactions from a spreadsheet into UniCa$h

Appendix: Effort

UniCa$h is based off of AB3’s original architecture, leveraging the existing command handling framework and UI classes.

Migrating AB3 to UniCa$h

While we leverage the existing AB3 architecture, UniCa$h introduces two custom models: Transaction and Budget, both of which includes its own custom set of properties like Name, Amount, and Interval. These custom properties include new constraints that had to be thoroughly tested.

Although we were able to loosely reference the existing code from AB3 to build these custom models, the surrounding architecture such as ModelManager, UniCash, and UniCashStorage had to be altered to work with the new domain that UniCa$h introduces.

We had to alter ModelManager and UniCash to contain the relevant Transaction and Budget information. This involved adding additional methods to handle transaction and budget management. UniCashStorage was created to support persisting the transaction and budget data to a file. For this, we had to create JsonAdaptedX versions of the models like Transaction, Budget, and Category to ensure that the user’s data would be safely written to and reliably read from the storage file (taking inspiration from AB3’s JsonAdaaptedPerson).

Additionally, removing all dependencies to the old AB3 architecture such as the Person model or JsonAdaptedPerson was a big challenge as we had to ensure that doing so did not cause any regression to the new models and classes. However, it was also a good exercise in revealing unintended dependencies between UniCa$h and the old AB3 models and classes.

Increasing Test Coverage

The original AB3 project had a severe lack of coverage of the UI components and this resulted in bugs that may be difficult to replicate and that could be easily missed when performing manual testing. By implementing TestFX and modifying both Gradle and GitHub Actions, we were able to support UI testing. This raised our test coverage to over 90%!

TestFX has allowed us to create test suites for both individual UI components and integration tests that reduce the need to perform lengthy manual testing to ensure key UI behavior, providing a peace of mind that critical UI features were working as intended.

Appendix: Known Bugs

  1. Light scrollbars hard to see
  2. Help pop-up window shifts to the bottom left corner of the screen before re-centering on help command. Steps to reproduce the issue:
    1. Type help in the command box.
    2. Shift the pop-up window to anywhere on the screen.
    3. Close the pop-up window.
    4. Type help in the command box again.
    5. The pop-up window will shift to the bottom left corner before re-centering itself.