Project: UniCa$h

UniCa$h is a finance tracking application for university students who want to be more financially conscious. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 19 kLoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • Transaction Model: pull requests #58, #85, #81, #66, #72, #97, #116, #121
    • What it does: Provides an internal encapsulation of a Transaction in UniCa$h. By taking inspiration from the Person class in AB3, I developed the Transacation class along with its attributes.
    • Justification: It is necessary to provide an internal representation of a Transaction as it serves as the primary object used throughout UniCa$h. Helps to map out business logic into code through the attributes in the Transaction class.
    • Highlights: By taking inspiration from the implementation of Tag and UniquePersonList in AB3, I developed the UniqueCategoryList as an attribute in Transaction. This enforced uniqueness in the Category added to a Transaction.
    • Challenges: Before we developed Transaction, we had thought to split the class into 2 separate classes Income and Expense. However, this proved to be a less effective approach which led to the pivoting to 1 consolidated Transaction class during milestone 1.2.
  • UniCash and TransactionList Model: pull requests #53, #121, #146
    • What it does: The combination of the 2 TransactionList and UniCash models provides an internal encapsulation of transactions in UniCa$h.
    • Justification: As our application serves as a platform for users to manage transactions, we had to encapsulate certain key business logic of transactions into a class.
    • Highlights: I developed the 2 classes by taking inspiration from the implementation of UniquePersonList and AddressBook classes in AB3. I also morphed the implementation to fit into our business needs of allowing duplicate transactions.
      • Later into the project, we discovered a potential room where a bug could arise due to there being too many Transaction. Hence, I later on added more constraints to the TransactionList class where a limit of 100000 Transaction was set.
  • Add Transaction Command: pull requests #53, #95
    • What it does: Provide a CLI command for users to add a transaction into UniCa$h.
    • Justification: As an application optimised for CLI users, I had to come up with the command as well as the related fields to add a transaction.
    • Highlights: To account for an intuitive process to add a Transaction, we had to minimise the number of compulsary fields.
      • One highlight was the DateTime field where we automatically set the current date and time as the default value if not set explicitly by the user.
    • Challenges: There was a small challenge in mocking the method in test cases, which required another constructor with an added parameter of a Clock. This allowed test cases to manually input a Clock which could be used for mocking the current date and time.
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Project management:
    • Managed releases v1.3a (1 release) on GitHub
  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Help Command: pull requests #128, #135
      • What it does: Provides users minimal and sufficient help to successfully execute commands.
      • Justification: The previous implementation of AB3 help would show a pop up with a link to our User Guide. This proved to be cumbersome as users would have to spend time switching back and forth the application in order to run commands. Hence, I allowed for the use of help COMMAND_WORD to get help for a specific command within the application.
      • Highlights: This allowed users to successfully get the description of a command, command format and example command all within the application.
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Set up structure skeleton for User Guide for easy and structured documentation by the team.
      • Added documentation for own features like AddTransactionCommand and HelpCommand.
    • Developer Guide:
      • Added implementation details of model features like Tranasaction, TransactionList and Budget models.
      • Added documentation on commands implemented like AddTransactionCommand and HelpCommand.
  • Community:
    • PRs reviewed : refer to here